Lead your own Success Principles study group using our FREE Instructor’s Guide
Complete with reproducible handouts, forms and the actual words to use when facilitating each of the six lessons Jack’s created for you!
You don’t have to be a master of these principles to lead a discussion group. You just have to be willing to lead a discussion of the principles. The study guide will tell you everything you need to say and do to lead a productive discussion and help people implement the principles at work, at school and at home.
Think about whom you might teach these principles to.
- Could you teach a seminar at your church?
- Offer a class at the local high school or community college?
- Teach a seminar at work?
- Facilitate a six week study group once a week over lunch?
- Lead a discussion group with your family?
Imagine a family, group, club, church, office, sales team, or company where the people were all working together to support each other in actively living these principles. And you can be the person that makes that happen. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
Jack’s FREE Instructors Guide gives you everything you need to do to step others through these powerful principles and accompanying exercises—including scripts, handouts, worksheets and more!
One of the most powerful ways to learn anything is to teach it to others. It forces you to clarify your ideas, confront inconsistencies in your own thinking, and more closely walk your talk. But most importantly, it requires you to read, study and speak the information over and over again. The resulting repetition reinforces your own learning.
When you help others implement these principles, not only will you learn more, the results could be miraculous!